siunitx Configuration



The siunitx package offers a wide range of options to configure the formatting of numbers and units in LaTeX. In the exported results.tex file, we make use of siunitx syntax, e.g. we might transform a wiz.res() call into something like \qty{1.23 \pm 0.05}{\m\per\s^2} that you also could have written manually. This means, you have full control over how the numbers and units are displayed in your LaTeX document by configuring siunitx itself.

If you want to configure ResultWizard itself instead, see the config_init() & config() methods.

Important configuration options

All options are specified as key=value pairs in \sisetup{} inside your LaTeX preamble (before \begin{document}), e.g.:


Here, we present just a small (admittedly random) subset of the options of siunitx. See the siunitx documentation. for more details and all available options.

Siunitx Documentation

  • locale=UK|US|DE|PL|FR|SI|ZA. This option sets the locale for the output of numbers and units, e.g. in English speaking countries, the decimal separator is a dot 1.234, while in Germany it’s a comma 1,234.
  • group-separator={,}. This option sets the group separator, e.g. 1,234,567.
  • group-digits=integer=none|decimal|integer. This option affects how the grouping into blocks of three is taking blace.
  • per-mode=power|fraction|symbol. This option allows to specify how \per is handled (e.g. in the case of this unit: \joule\per\mole\per\kelvin). fraction uses the \frac{} command, while symbol uses a / symbol per default (can be changed with per-symbol).
  • uncertainty-mode=full|compact|compact-marker|separate. When a single uncertainty is given, it can be printed in parentheses, e.g. 1.234(5), or with a ± sign, e.g. 1.234 ± 0.005 (use separate as option to achieve this). In older versions of siunitx, there existed the following flag instead: separate-uncertainty=true|false (it might still work in newer versions).
  • exponent-product=\times. This option allows to specify the product symbol between mantissa and exponent, e.g. 1.23 \times 10^3 or 1.23 \cdot 10^3. The latter is more common in European countries. This is also affected by the locale option.