


Call wiz.export() after you have defined your results with wiz.res(). wiz.export() will generate a LaTeX file containing all your results. This file can be included in your LaTeX document with \input{./path/to/results.tex} in the LaTeX preamble (see here).


wiz.export(filepath: str)
  • filepath (str): The (relative or absolute) path to the LaTeX file to be generated, e.g. ./results.tex.


  • The filepath should end with .tex to be recognized as a LaTeX file by your IDE / LaTeX editor.
  • For a convenient setup, have Python code reside next to your LaTeX document. This way, you can easily reference the generated LaTeX file. For example, you could have two folders latex/ & code/ in your project. Then export the results to ../latex/results.tex from your python code residing in the code folder. In LaTeX, you can then include the file with \input{./results.tex}.
  • Especially for Jupyter Notebooks, we recommend to use the export_auto_to config option. This way, you can automatically export the results to a file after each call to wiz.res(). See this page for a suitable configuration of ResultWizard in Jupyter Notebooks.